Fast and Flawless Medical Marketing Validation

We are the one-stop-shop for AI-infused medical affairs tools.

We validate your medical marketing material within 24 hours.

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About us

Claim Welcome to Validia!
We are a cutting-edge Swiss-based company dedicated to providing top-tier Medical Marketing Validations. By combining the expertise of seasoned professionals with advanced AI, we deliver unmatched precision and quality in our services. At Validia, we uphold the highest standards while swiftly integrating new technologies to meet your objectives efficiently. Frustrated by the slow and tedious medical approval processes, we founded Validia to revolutionize validation. Our innovative approach ensures your medical marketing needs are met with exceptional accuracy and speed.
Peer Vault
Harness the collective scientific wisdom of your peers to streamline your research, medical writing, and validation efforts.
AutoHighlight Papers
Is your team still manually highlighting papers for approval? Our platform automatically compiles and downloads every found quotation, perfectly highlighted in the correct paper.
Let us tailor a solution for you

Enable your Marketing and Medival Affairs to leverage our Gen-AI infused tools for faster content creation
and validation

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